There are two kinds of database developers.
The first ones split data out into a related table, only when there is a need to.
The others, they do it blindly and commit what it is known as improper
normalisation. The first ones, well, call them smart, if you may, do a lot of
other things, including:
Keeping up with the times
Those who keep tabs on what’s going on
probably know that the days of stored procedure overuse are long passé. The
procedures are not deemed necessary anymore, and guess what; some database
developers even consider them to be a maintenance disaster. They stay away from
these procedures for as long as possible.
Using whatever’s better (for the database)
Enhancing productivity
Developers who know database development
inside out can always take advantage of both MySQL and MS SQL and come up with a
solution that enhances your workforce’s productivity and gives a boost to the
operational efficiency as well.
Giving you options
When you hire experts for database
development Sydney, they let you choose between:
Customised and open-source
Options that fall within your
budget and the ones that don’t